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It has obtained the highest score in the contest, three stars, after a blind tasting

The tastiest octopus is found in Palencia. This was decided by the International Tastel Institute of Brussels, which has awarded the Merpacífico octopus flavor with a score of 91.3% out of 100, the highest in the contest, achieving three stars.

It is a company dedicated to seafood products, which is currently one of the most powerful octopus processing companies in Castilla y León and a benchmark in the sector at a national level. It has been installed in Palencia for only six months and has still managed to close the year with a turnover close to 20 million euros.

The octopus, as the company explains in a statement, comes from the “best fishing grounds in the world” where workers from the company itself select the raw material and then process it in Palencia, following “strict” quality controls and, finally, distribute it with the “maximum guarantees.”

The jury is made up of 200 world-renowned chefs and sommeliers, recognized by institutions such as the Michelin Guide, Repsol Guide and Gault & Millau, who have been in charge of doing the blind tasting. The methodology, they clarify, has been “objective” based on five criteria related to sensory analysis: visual, olfactory, gustatory, final sensation and texture.

The International Taste Institute team has contacted the Palencia company to congratulate them and confirm their receipt of the ‘The superior taste award’ certificate.

The CEO of Merpacífico, Conrado Merino, and the director, Manuela, have assured that this award represents an “indisputable seal of quality and prestige.”

El Español

Olaia Santisteban

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