
“An inspiring beginning: from a small stand in the Plaza de Abastos to becoming a benchmark in the seafood sector and leading the octopus market”

A story of work, dedication and growth

In the 80s, Conrado Merino Inyesto took over the old family business, a fishmonger in a stall in the Plaza de Abastos in Palencia. Little by little, it begins to expand this traditional trade business with the marketing of live seafood and its distribution among restaurant businesses in the area.

In 1991 he founded the company VIVEROS MERIMAR SL, dedicated to the wholesale trade of fish and seafood. A company with constant growth that in 2005 began the production and marketing of cooked octopus, under the MERIPUL brand, becoming one of the main octopus players in Spain.

The success of the company caused several investment funds to focus on VIVEROS MERIMAR with whom Conrado and his team negotiated until reaching an agreement with one of them, closing an important corporate operation with the Angulas Aguinaga Group. In 2023, the Merino family embarks on a new business stage, at the head of MERPACIFICO, with more ambitious objectives.

Quality throughout the process

We adapt to our customers

Distribution in record time

Sustainable commitment

A commitment to innovation to lead the octopus market in Spain

Merpacifico is a new octopus processing company, located in the Palencia Industrial Park (Calle Tejedores, 6) that is already positioned as a leader in Spain thanks to the advantage of more than 30 years of experience and the professional successes of its founder, Conrado Merino, who has turned his work into his passion and has once again invested heavily in the food sector. At the head of the company, he is accompanied by Manuela Merino, who follows in her father’s footsteps, maintaining the family tradition.

Merpacifico is today a modern company, 100% automated, with the most innovative technologies, facilities that exceed 10,000 square meters with a large cold storage capacity.

Merpacifico stands out from the competition for its great capacity to process octopus and the quality of the raw material since the company is present in the entire value chain from fishing, in the main fishing grounds in the world, where the company has its own personnel. that selects octopus by octopus until the raw material reaches the customer. It also has an extensive distribution network that allows it to reach the entire world in record time.


Leading company in processing seafood products, especially octopus, offering the best solutions to the needs of our clients anywhere in the world. We work to promote the professional and personal development of workers so that they feel identified with the company and value their belonging to the team.

We value the daily effort to offer unique solutions and memorable culinary experiences.


To be the leading company in processing seafood products, especially octopus, offering the best solutions to the needs of our clients anywhere in the world. Contribute to the professional and personal development of workers so that they feel identified with the company and value their belonging to the team.

With our team and clients we invite you to join us, where the freshness of the sea and the commitment to excellence merge to offer unique solutions and memorable culinary experiences

Corporate values

Continuous improvement and training for excellence
Empathy with our clients, their needs and their strategic objectives
Respect for our workers, clients, suppliers and collaborators and all those entities and people with whom the company has a relationship.
Honesty and seriousness in all the company’s actions.
Competitiveness to differentiate ourselves from the competition and maximize the profitability of our clients
Commitment to the fishing grounds where we fish our raw materials through sustainable practices and to our workers for being the company’s greatest asset.

People at the center of business strategy

For the management of MERPACIFICO, personnel are the company’s most important asset. That is why we are committed to a well-structured organization with a logistics, quality, R&D, sales, administration, communication, production, human resources, maintenance department, among others, with clear tasks and responsibilities for proper functioning with the objective of growth. constantly to reach all markets with solvency.