
For more than 30 years we have been specialists in octopus and leaders in seafood products with a high annual processing capacity to satisfy demand in record time and anywhere in the world. We are present in every value chain; from fishing to distribution, to guarantee maximum quality. We differentiate ourselves by the customization of our services and innovation to adapt to the particular needs of all our clients and boost their growth.

Discover our wide range of products

Hoja de ruta con las mejores recetas de pulpo

From the most traditional to those currently made in the most innovative kitchens.

International Distribution

We have a powerful distribution network that allows us to be more competitive and follow new standards of quality and efficiency in the sector. In addition, we offer a flexible service to guarantee supply in the best conditions and in record time.

In addition, our extensive network of sales representatives spread throughout Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Japan and the United States, among other countries, allow us to better understand the needs of each of our clients and promote their growth.

Quality throughout the process

We adapt to our customers

Distribution in record time

Sustainable commitment


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Thank you for choosing Merpacifico, where your satisfaction is our priority!