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Throughout 2024, the company expects to reach 150 jobs, and in just 6 months there are already 60 people on its staff.

In just six months of life, Merpacífico, the new company founded by Conrado Merino in the Palencia industrial park, already has 60 employees, a figure that, over the course of 2024, it expects to increase to 150 workers. At present they export 70 percent of their production and, right now, they have already started to work on the conquest of the national market and hope, throughout the year, to be present in all the commercial surfaces throughout the territory, in fact, their future plan is to reach a balance by exporting 50 percent of their production and allocating the other 50 percent to the Spanish market.

An example of a family business, Merpacífico is the new business venture undertaken by the Palencia businessman Conrado Merino, who has expressed his satisfaction with the evolution of the company and with the one million euro subsidy that the Spanish Government has granted to another of his companies, Tortumar 95, dedicated to the logistics and storage of frozen products. However, he regretted that another grant they had requested from the Center for Technological Development and Innovation, CDTI, for Merpacífico itself, was not granted on the grounds that “it was not a feasible project”, a decision that they have challenged in court. A situation that has led the businessman to ask national politicians of all parties to support in Madrid those projects that attract wealth and employment to Palencia, “something they are not doing,” he criticized.

Cadena Ser

Beatriz Álvarez

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